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Here are some of my top favourite t-shirts. Everything from Glow in the dark t-shirts to funny t-shirts to scary t-shirts.

I'm a huge fan of Glennz t-shirts. I like the funny sometimes ironic subject matter and the are a unique style that I would happily wear again and again. I saw this t-shirt and loved it I'm into my biking (or use to be) and this just made me laugh.


This is a t-shirt design by a t-shirt company called Block. Similar to Glennz t-shirt design style and again a funny but sinister subject matter.


Another Block t-shirt here.

Glow in the dark t-shirts are becoming very popular especially in clubs and for events such as halloween. The classic tuxedo t-shirt here but designed slightly more contemporary then most you see.


This choice isn't so much one t-shirt but a company. You can't talk about t-shirts without mentioning Threadless.


An arty design here that I came across lots of bright colours just what you need in a t-shirt.


Probably one of the best funny t-shirts I have seen in a long while.


Spot the brand! I like t-shirts that fight back against the corporate image.


Another Zombie theme but this t-shirt is certainly unique. Don't know if I would get one myself but I love the concept.


The main reason Superdry t-shirts are in here is because firstly they are originally a british company and within Six years they became huge!


Block designs with a t-shirt popular with Vince Noir/Noel Fielding


A film inspired t-shirt simply brilliant!


Angry birds has such a cult following now and there are lots of t-shirts cashing in on it.


Such a simple t-shirt design but so effective.


A Block t-shirt design here. Not a great game of Scrabble.


Another t-shirt design inspired by a film. Designed once again by Block


I never did like the smurfs. This t-shirt designed once again by one of my favourite t-shirt designers Glennz has that wicked side to it that I love.


A nice simple panda design on the right shoulder. A striking t-shirt.


As a climber any clothing about climbing tends to catch my eye. Most I have to honest I don't like but this one is again a design that's not to over the top but stands out. The blue and white works well and brings a bit of colour instead of the usual black silhouette. Great climbing t-shirt.


I can't say I'm a huge fan of twitter and seeing this t-shirt made me laugh.


I picked this t-shirt as its a bit different. I like it when the designs incorporate the actual t-shirt into the design, the colour of the t-shirt as the background or maybe the neck line or a seam. This t-shirt has gone one step further and added great detail and accessories to produce the finished design.


I screen printed my first halftone t-shirt the other day and I'm happy to that it worked really well. I had a look for halftone t-shirts and found some great designs. Here's a few of my favourite Halftone t-shirts.


A classic American image and a great example of the detail and shading you can get with halftone screen printing onto t-shirts.


I love this design, it's not really of anything it's just layers of halftone and colour. It stood out from the other t-shirt designs I was browsing at the time.


I put this one in because I like the use of background with halftone over the top. Not quite sure if I like the colours chosen I think if the shades were a bit different this would be a much better t-shirt design.


A great design, using the background to make up the image of the figures is great and the colours are subtle. Works really well and would make a great t-shirt design.


Great halftone t-shirt here. The grey colour is not to over powering and the halftone just works with this design of the turntable.


A similar t-shirt to the last in design nice subtle colour good halftone use with block colour in there as well.


The classic Lego man head with a moustache, what could be a better design for a t-shirt?


This t-shirt is in because my Girlfriend wants a sausage dog. I think she'll probably want one of these t-shirts to with it now.


Two main reasons why I love these t-shirts. One I like the same colour print on a t-shirt as the background I think it gets a great subtle effect. Two I love graphics that are doodles and think screen printing them gives a great polished finish to a doodle and transforms it into a great graphic.


I put this t-shirt in because of the detail.


This t-shirt has gone in purely for the quality of the print, it's amazing how the elephant stands out of the t-shirt . The detail is great, fantastic tee.


I've put this t-shirt in because of the design being the full surface of the tee. The printing process to cover the whole t-shirt takes a bit more skill then a normal print and the colours in this one makes it all the more technical.


A great design for a t-shirt and just a little bit funny as well. Taken from the classic film E.T but with a crosser motorbike theme. Love it!


I always like lego inspired designs, maybe because I loved lego as a kid, but I'm also a huge fan of Glenz tees. Another great design by Glenz called Evaluation.


To me this seems like a vintage style t-shirt. We all know Super Mario Bros and again I grew up playing the original games. Great t-shirt concept.


Another difficult t-shirt to print due to the V-neck. Of course I say difficult but all these are probably printed using high end printing presses but hey I'm looking from a point of view if I wanted to re-create an image like it.
Lightning strikes t-shirt low V-neck.

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